Firstly I want to state but for one occurance this would have been given a 5 star review by me, but sadly I cannot ignore the one issue, no matter how well it was resolved afterwards, and this saddens me because the work done to rectify said issue was exemplary. So I ask, please read the whole review before you make any decision about this company, because as bad as it was at one time, they did everything they could - and more - to rectify the situation, and rectify it they did, brilliantly!
Everyone involved with the sales & booking part of this sale were great, being very helpful and informative every step of the way, and the price was very reasonable indeed (and believe me we looked around). From this a booking was made for a Vaillant boiler to be delivered to us on the Friday, and on the following Monday it would be fitted - something which our whole family was excited about because we have been dealing with an old knackered boiler for over 3 months now, and while cold water washes in the morning we're not so bad during the summer months, we were not looking forward to doing the same in the coming winter months. Also, the fact that our heating was on full whenever we needed just a bowl of washing up water, did not go down so well, especially when we'd often forget to turn it off the moment we'd filled the bowl, and by the time we'd realised, our home would be roasting! I digress though, but I do hope you can appreciate why we were all so happy to have hot water and controllable heating by the end of play on the Monday.
This was NOT the case though, because come Monday, the engineers that turned up took one look at the job before them, and in fact worse than that, just the building before them, and decided they didn't want to do the job. From the moment we answered the door these two engineers were unhappy, and it is my opinion that they decided this wouldn't be an easy job, so they didn't want to do it! I have to state at this point they hadn't even been anywhere near the boiler, or the kitchen where it resided in our home - I'm guessing they just seemed to know that this wouldn't be an easy job, and yet we had no idea at this point whether their assumption was right or wrong, all my partner and I knew was what we could feel about their way, their manner, and their attitude, and none of those were good at all.
Over the next hour they seemed to amble around and do nothing but moan at each other under their breath, but nothing was specifically said to us at this point. Also, these guys had turned up - for an appointment that was booked between 8am - 10am - at 0750hrs. I used to sell insurance when I was younger, and I'd had to pass exams to do this, one of which was entitled 'The Code of Conduct', so I knew that no one can knock on your door or ring you up before 0900 hrs, or after 2100 hrs, unless it has been previously arranged, and although an appointment had been previously arranged, these guys had knocked on our door 10 mins before that preagreed time. We have two young children, both of whom we were trying to get ready for school, and when the two engineers were told we couldn't turn off the electricity or water just yet - because the children weren't yet ready - we were moaned at by one engineer who grumbled "we haven't got time to waste on things like this!". Even a short while later, when my partner entered the kitchen to place a pop tart in the toaster for one child's breakfast, she was greeted with "can I help you?", as if we weren't allowed in our OWN kitchen! This was when she told me she'd had enough and I needed to find out what was going on, which I did.
I've been nowhere near fabrication since I was 17 years old (and I'm in my 50s now!), when I did a year in mechanical engineering while at college; something I never used in any part of any career I had thereafter - but when I asked these two guys what was going on, because we could see very little had been done in the 90 mins they'd been in our home, the guy in charge gave me some flannel about the fact that because the pipes were coming into the cupboard from above, there was no way they could use the Vaillant boiler that we had purchased, and that using a Worcester Bosch, which was a smaller boiler, would be much better, but I knew that the boiler he suggested was in fact another 25% more expensive than the one we had gone for, yet it wasn't 25% better, and besides which we could not afford an extra £500! This was beginning to sound like a bit of a con to me - but I was to be proved wrong on that assumption.
I made a suggestion that surely they could use some sort of bracket that would allow the pipes to run behind the boiler before entering it, to which they looked at me like I was some kind of fool and said they would have to talk with their installation department.
Another 40 mins or so had gone by and these guys had ambled in and out of our place and across the road to their van a few times, but again very little seemed to be getting done - and by now myself and my partner were beginning to get a bit annoyed, especially as things weren't looking good for us having the warm water and heating we had so been looking forward to just a few days before. I once again approached the two guys and insisted they give me the phone number of their installation department, so that I could get some answers from them - and this is when things began to take a turn for the better.
I rang the number they gave me, which actually turned out to be their normal customer services number (a number I already had), but once I'd gone through the menu and spoke to a human (which didn't take long), I explained my situation and asked for the number I'd been looking for from the engineers, and was given it immediately by the nice lady I spoke to. When I rang the installation department I spoke to a guy called Derek and once I'd explained all of the above he was more than empathetic to our situation, and he asked for me to take my phone to the unhelpful engineer so that he could talk directly to him, which I did. The engineer took my phone from me, took it off of hands free, and then went and sat in his van with the doors closed, which I thought to be a little strange (and rude), like he was trying to hide something, but what he didn't realise was that Derek was unsympathetic to his cause, and more sympathetic to ours.
A short while later the unhappy engineer then gave me my phone back and Derek explained to me what I had already surmised, in that this guy did not want to do this job! He explained that he - an engineer himself of 28 years - had suggested a number of options to our engineer, all of which he rejected saying that it would be too time consuming and once again suggesting that we use a Worcester Bosch boiler instead, because it would make the job easier (for him!). Derek even explained that he too had suggested the brackets idea (which are called 'standaway brackets' apparently), and then ended by saying to me that because his company were based in the South of England that they used third party contractors to do the installation work outside of their area, and he knew - like I did - that a company reputation is only as good as its constituent parts, including third parties like these engineers we had been lumbered with. He then told me that as long as I was happy enough to wait, that he would arrange for another engineer to come out on another day and he WOULD fit the boiler we had, and he WOULD do a grand job. He then apologised profusely and asked if I could leave it with him to arrange, while he assured me that he would get back to me later that day with details of how he would get this situation rectified. It was at this point that the two engineers left, and Derek was completely honest with me, saying he had had issues with these two guys on two previous occasions, and that this would be the last time they would use them. I was happy to hear this as I didn't want the same thing happening to someone else, and I didn't see why a company like Glow Green should be giving contracts to people who I didn't think deserved anyone's work.
By now we were fast approaching 11am and we are realistic, we knew our boiler wasn't getting fitted today, and we are also realistic enough to know that not everything in life goes smoothly, but it is when it doesn't that we get to witness just what sort of efforts are made to rectify the situation, and I am glad to say that everything I experienced from the moment Derek got involved would lead me to both use this company again, and recommend it to my friends and family.
Within an hour or so Derek was on the phone with a new plan of action. That plan was that someone would once again be with us between 8am and 10am, the very next day. He gave me the name of the engineer that he'd put in charge and said that this person would contact me later that afternoon to confirm his arrival time, which is what happened, except to say that this engineer had arranged for one of his engineers - by the name of Shane - to be with us by 0830 the following day, rather than him coming personally. This guy's name was Scott Galloway, and he and Shane both worked for a company called 'Gas2Heat', and they were now the third party that Glow Green were using, and I hope - in light of the job they did - that they continue to use them because their work and work ethic was exemplary.
As arranged, the very next day Shane turned up at half 8, and from the moment he did we felt far more at ease with the whole affair. He was extremely honest, as were we with him about what had gone on the day before, and he confirmed that perhaps the previous engineers had indeed only wanted 'the easy jobs', which was something I had suggested to both him, and Derek the day before. At this juncture I want to point out that as I stated I live in the real world, where things do go wrong, and that all I have ever asked for, and given when I was in business myself, is honesty - and I got it from these fellows. Shane mirrored what Derek thought, in that these guys only wanted the easy jobs, but he had a great attitude, in that you have to take the rough with the smooth - some jobs will be easy, others won't be so, and that's just the way it goes. Nothing phased him; he wanted nothing from us, not even any of the cups of coffee or bottles of water we offered; he just got on with the job and didn't moan one little bit - not even when the job did indeed get difficult. In total, through no fault of Shane's - it was just a difficult installation - it took Shane 13hrs to fit our boiler. He left the premises once for some parts, but was back within 20 minutes, and he did not stop all day, except for the odd couple of minutes where he might pop out to his van while liaising with colleagues about how to fix one issue or another. Our job was not only difficult, it seems that every little thing that could go wrong did go wrong, but again, none of this was a reflection of the work carried out by Shane, it was just a difficult job that was a pain in the a** to complete - it is that simple. Even getting the boiler to talk to the smart controller didn't go according to plan, because no amount of trying would get one device to hook up to the other, but then suddenly - with no apparent different reason for having done so - it connected and we were up and running. Just this one thing lost poor Shane nearly another 2 hours of his day.
So to surmise:
• the early sales work was great and the original price was extremely competitive.
• The first set of engineers were a blot on Glow Green's otherwise great service.
• The installation (help desk) engineer (Derek) should be highly commended, because had it not been for his initial involvement, we may have said to hell with it all. His help and understanding were exemplary, and likewise, the new engineers and their company that he drafted in, were absolutely brilliant, and a credit to their name.
• Their name was Gas2Heat; Scott & Shane were the engineers we dealt with, and they calmly and efficiently fitted our boiler, as both they and Derek from Glow Green had said they would do, even when our job was a complete nightmare.
• I would recommend both Glow Green and Gas2Heat to anyone for their professionalism; for their service, and for their commitment and work ethic.