“I'm gradually replacing all my TKB Z-Wave switches that have started failing after a couple of years with these. Eye wateringly expensive but solid as a rock. I bought the first one over 3 years ago and it's never failed. I originally bought TKB switches based on their lower price but it's a decision I now regret. Then extra cost of the Aeotec switches is worth it.”
“I have two use these and they just work. Not cheap, but I have used cheaper alternatives and had issues. These work out of the box and are well made.”
“This plug is bulkier than the equivalent Fibaro. It's also badly designed as the on/off switch is on the front and therefore covered by the plug of the appliance. Also requires configuration to properly report energy etc.”
“Added another of these to HC3. Seamless inclusion as always. Used association with S2 on Fibaro Dimmer2 in our sons room, to turn on/off a floor lamp.”
“Excellent reliability and longevity and build. Worth the extra cost. I have been using mostly TKB switches but after 2 years of use I am getting multiple failures with these.”