“The board is fitted to an old Pi 2B which works fine with the z-wave.me software. It manages the separate heating controls in three adjacent buildings. Good range with no boosters needed.”
“Very good range compared to the previous version. Almost no routing is needed anymore in my apartment! Nice Zniffer features - worth it's money when you have issues with the network.”
“After my first review over a year ago the firmware has improved a lot (I am currently using version 7.28, although version 7.36 has just been released but I haven't tried that yet) and is now quite usable. The support from z-wave.me on their forums is good, but it has been ~9 months since the last firmware release.”
“This is a follow up to my review from 3 months ago when the firmware wasn't working at all and, because of this, draining all of the batteries.
New firmware was released by z-wave.me in mid March (7.13 with 7.17..01.02 SDK) and with no new updates for a while I thought that I would give it another go.
I am pleased to say that the new firmware seems to be working correctly now and everything is as it should be. The upgrade from the older RazBerry 2 went smoothly (apart from having to send a couple of NIFs to get a couple of devices fully recognised) and all of the devices are now working ok.”
“I bought 2 of these to give my Z-Wave networks a bit of a boost but neither device resulted in a working network.
The device itself seems ok - a compact daughter board and nicely integrated aerial connector complete with the lead and aerial.
However, in common with (I believe) all current 700 series devices, there is a firmware issue (not z-wave.me's fault) that means that it doesn't work in any sort of realistic Z-Wave network. Zwave.me have said that they hope that new firmware will be released by mid-February.
So, a star for the hardware but no more until it works properly.”