“I purchased the HC2 as I wanted a smart hub that I could customize through code so that the system behaves in a tailored way (automation works best when it minimises the things you normally do), there are various ways of coding the system from simple human language based prompts that anyone can do to coding using Lua so you have the option to start off basic and getting more complex as your needs grow; this flexibility was critical to me. I have had the system for other 5 years and its still going strong, I've included devices from many manufacturers and they have all worked (the Fibaro devices have much more functionality but thats to be expected) and this includes, dimmers, switches, TRVs, cameras, smart plugs, Sonos. They is a pretty active community and lots of examples out there that will either do what you want or will give you enough to get started; I found it quite tricky to start getting to grips with certain things and I spent quite a bit of time at the start getting things setup how I wanted but after awhile it was mainly maintenance. I would recommend”