“Bought as I swapped out some 60W bulbs for led lights. Upon further reading the fibaro manual, I reset a parameter (13 i think) that makes the dimmer recalibrate itself.”
“Was using Dimmer 2 on low wattage LED light. Suffered common problem of bulb flickering when dimmed more than about 50%. Putting Bypass 2 across terminals totally cured problem, can now dim to very low level without flicker. Pleased this unit solved flicker problem so well.”
“I purchased the bypass component in case my installation needed it.
It didn't: as it is a passive device, I see know reason why it should not work should it ever be required”
“Simple install across the load being controlled and sorted out any flickering of our LEDs.
Don't forget to force a recalibration after installing the Bypass 2 as this is what makes the Dimmer 2 adjust its dimming algorithms to suit the new load characteristics.”