“I really like this clever little ball - it's got a lot of features for its small size - it's about the size of a table tennis ball (so not as big as a standard PIR detector) and has a tiny battery inside that's still at 80% after nearly a year.
The way it blinks with a colour co-ordinating with the temperature of the room is really clever.
If there's any downside, it's that the mounting piece is a little flimsy, but I've never had to move it, so that's fine.
This could be used as a room motion detector for alarms, lights and even as an early warning fire detector, since it measures temperature as well. I may well buy more.”
“These devices are great, I bought the everspring ceiling mount and standard motion sensors when i first bought into zwave devices, the ceiling device is fine but battery life on the other type drove me crazy and are a pain to change. These fibaro devices have a really nifty mount and make it easy to re position and change battery's, they just clip in essentially. They could be considered cute but I actually never even notice mine. as for the size - they are only slightly bigger than a golf ball.”
“Just bought this - VERY quick delivery.
Few thoughts on it. It looks quite freaky in the pictures but it is so
small it is quite cute - even my wife thinks so!
Includes into HomeSeer HS3 easily took about 10 seconds (and I'd
forgotten how to put my Aeon Stick into Include). battery, motion, movement and light all working. (Not too many earthquakes in Devon though.)
Nicely made, solid, but half of it is taken up with the 3/4 size battery!
Says not external but think this could easily be put into a housing that
would protect it.
Not cheaper, which is a shame - but then quality seems good.
Overall - I have a horrible suspicion I'll be buying another dozen of
“I am using this sensor with a Raspberry PI and Domoticz software. All functionality is available. The sensor has been reliable and has recorded motions / temperatures and light levels faithfully.
Of special note is the ability to use the sensor as a mobile network connectivity tester: the device can be moved from room to room and the flashing LED will indicate the quality of the connection back to the controller. If a "dead" spot is located, then the device attempts to re-route and then shows the resulting connection quality. Very handy for doing an initial survey or for trouble-shooting an existing installation. Domoticz has a specailly nice connection map that can help in this process.”
“i bought 4 motion sensor from Fibaro and is very satisfied with them. good quality and very small.
They function very well and is precise. there at a lot of things that can be customized, to fit my needs.
thumps up from me.”