“Ian is such a great speaker! And this is a question I often ask myself. On the one hand, I'm always looking to reduce my environmental impact in all aspects of my life. On the other, tick-borne infections and zoonotic worms are no joke! This was exactly the information I needed to help me navigate this decision & advice, as well as thinking about putting together screening programmes for recent imports.
It's also a timely reminder of the importance of pre-travel conversations with clients. I've been so focussed on not messing up the AHCs, this has fallen by the wayside recently. Will do better from now on.
A few years ago I was advised to ring Ian after a recently imported patient from Romania had sneezed up a weird looking worm. He was so helpful and gave excellent advice. I'm pleased to say the dog made a full and uneventful recovery from the first Linguatula serrata infection I'd ever seen (and the only one so far). Thanks again, Ian”