Contains Evening Primrose Oil combined with Chasteberry and Ginger Root Allergen and cruelty free Slow-release delivery over 8 hours Manufactured in the USA in a FDA-approved facility
“I've recently started using monthly relief patches, as I used to have strong mood fluctuations for 2 days during my cycle and food cravings. I had less pain with cramps and felt overall steadier, when using the patch, though still had a mood dip and food craving. I'm hoping the effect will get stronger, with regular use.”
“I've not been on the patches long enough to know if they're working, but I've got some blood tests in a few weeks so it'll tell if my iron levels are higher! My period was a lot lighter this month though...”
“I used patch works day and night monthly female patches to support my hormones and all the PMS symptoms I usually had were totally non existent. I was so shocked by the quick turn around of my body in such a short time and have recommended the site to many friends since.”