“There are TWO offerings available: one contains the gaffed cards ONLY “ together with the secret instructions to perform �single-time tricks “ the other “ presented in a �presentation tin; “ contains the special cards AND five fabulous �packet tricks that can be surreptitiously inserted into the pack to present some wonderful truly baffling effects.The �presentation tin version is the one to go for.About the deck.Most gaffed decks such as the �Svengali deck are predominantly �one trick pony decks that offer very little scope for variety or real-time �follow-through. The principle used in this deck facilitates the presentation of many classic effects without acquiring any contouring skill whatsoever!There is a downside however: unlike �card conjurors who perform intimate baffling �close-up �sets on a small table, most unskilled �street magicians tend to perform slick �in the hand �tricks without any �follow-through other than variations on the same �is that your card theme “ which is both pointless, �cheesy, and boring.The whole �drive behind any form of �magic is to entertain and baffle. With a little judicious thought, and application of the fabulous �packet tricks, the performer can �structure a sequence of presentations that present variety; entertainment; wonderment; mystery; and intrigue in equal measure from the many effects described in the kit.To give a flavour, one might begin by shuffling and cutting the cards and then naming a card at a number specified by the participant followed by mixing �packets of face-up and face-down cards into each other then spreading them out to show that despite all of the mixing, all cards are face down “ except for a suit selected by the participant “ which is face-up and in sequence order. This might be followed by a �four of a kind reveal and then a �packet trick with a �kicker ending to close “ with another �packet trick on �standby as an encore. The possibilities are down to being imaginative in ones approach to card magic.And if this fabulous kit inspires you to properly get to grips with card magic and acquire �life skills then search Amazon for �The royal road to card magic DVDs (not the book) supplemented with the cards and �packet tricks in this kit “ and get SERIOUS!Now go on YouTube and watch Rene Levant perform �It can'tbe done slower.Happy entertaining.”
“The customer service is amazing. This item was here the very next day. My son absolutely loves it. He is busy practicing his tricks now. Highly recommend.”
“We brought this as a little gift for our son. He loved it and has successfully learnt some tricks, which the guide walks you through step by step. This is a lot of fun and a really nice introduction to magic.”