“I bought this a an extra present for my god daughter (9). OK tricks but some seemed a bit difficult even for me. Though you woudl get more in it, quite small. Would be better as stocking filler.”
“The little boy who I bought this for was absolutely thrilled with it and is learning the tricks really well. It would have been nice to have seen some of the contents of the tin before purchase though. Overall an excellent gift for the Derren Brown's of this world.”
“A good present for my 9 year old niece. She kept herself and us all entertained over Christmas. However some small pieces that get lost easily and one of the tricks "snapped" and broke. Not bad over all though and not too expensive.”
“I'm an adult and bought this to use to entertain and amaze my nieces (aged between 5 & 8). The tricks I did fooled them, though I'm not so sure about the adults. Around 40 of the 50 tricks are based on the same "prop", and if you do too many tricks with this one prop to adults it can become apparent how you may be doing the trick, unless you are a master of misdirection!”