“At first, I thought this may be too warm for me. I am a neutral tan color. However, this blends so beautifully that it actually gives my face life and some warmth that isn't too overpowering for my skintone. The setting powder on top compliments the bronzer cream very nicely. I'm in absolutely love with it. The one thing I do worry about is if the formula melts in warm weather as I would love to take this on vacation with me. I will just need to keep it safe and out of the heat I guess. What else can I say, I'm really happy I purchases this product. I live in the US, shipping was just as quick as any other place. Heck, I've ordered items from Florida that took double the time these products took to get to me! I would absolutely repurchase and I already am waiting on the shade that is 1 darker than So Yacht for when I get tanner in the summer.”