“I think it is a very useful product from a technical point of view! But I am not allowed to use it because it takes for the management to much time to do the migration.”
Thank you for taking the time to leave a review. A profile migration takes on average about 3 minutes
- depending on the size of the profile and the speed of the computer, this can take longer. Did you experience something different to this? Please can you contact us at support@forensit.com and we will be happy to investigate and advise.
Many thanks,
“User Profile Wizard is one of those programscthat comes through inba pinch like nothing else I know of.
If you have several stations to migrate to a new server, it does the job quickly and without errors. The user hardly notices the difference and you go homecsooner.
Five stars, love it!!”
“A really helpful tool for IT Services and Maintenance. I do highly recommend this tool for Professional and DIY Users, just be willing to read the documentation and familiarize yourself with the product and you just like it too...
A happy user,”
“I can't recommend this tool enough! The amount of hours it saved me in migrating 50+ users to a new domain, without having to reconfigure user profiles, pays for itself in no time!”
“Great software, I have used the free version for many years as a one-off. This was the first time using the Professional Edition and it worked extremely well. I highly recommend when moving to Azure AD joined from a domain.”