“My dog loves these - this is the basis for my 5 star flavour rating. The downside is the smell. I store them in an air tight plastic container and insist my dog eats them outdoors”
“My older dog loves these , and what is great about them is they are 100% white fish which is not easy to get hold of and is good for the health of my dog a good alternative to salmon. Many thanks”
“My dog says: 5* across the board and when`s he getting more??I say; can`t comment on flavor but theses are NOT smelly to humansThe value appears good but not much to compare withI will keep him supplied with this on a fairly regular basis”
“It is very fishy aromatic!! Which is why my dog loves it!! And I know that because of the smell...he is very happy and with do basically anything for me is I have the correct treats with me!!! For Him!! Which is very handy when I go to work! Luckily I only work part time, so if I stuff a bone with bit of fish...the tougher to get in....the better!!! as that means that they will be tougher to get out and last all morning!!! But they are usually empty and chewed empty one end on the bone by the time I get home for my lunch!!!! Brilliant happy chappy for his mum away from home snacky!!!”