“Unfortunately, I've had a spate of issues that have prevented me from using the Swytch kit for my Dahon for more than 60 miles since receiving it in February. There have been two failed controllers on top of having to buy a new steel fork to make it work (best not to use any Dahon/Tern with aluminum forks). Swytch has paid for shipping of the power pack back to them for repair and I'm hoping to get it back so that I can actually use the product. Also still waiting on my second Dahon kit that I purchased, which I've been assured will have a non-faulty controller.
That said, when it was working, the kit did exactly what it was supposed to do. It's zippy for sure. A motorized folding bike is such a versatile transportation tool and we can't wait to get the first one running and the second one built up.”
“I have used my Swytch-kit for over 600 miles and, in general, I am very satisfied with my investment. There have been issues but they have mostly been the implementation of the kit and the setup of my bike. All but one issue was resolved with minor modification. I have yet to figure out how to use the additional throttle switch because of interference from shifter and brake collar on the handle.
The motor has been as smooth and powerful as advertised. The (50-mile) battery has not quite reached that potential though I get satisfactory results of up thirty miles while still maintaining a significant level of power.
The crew that put this together fumbled a few things initially, especially communication but they dealt with a number of hurdles that might have crashed a less motivated group. They get a lot of credit for their perseverance and the quality of the final product.”
“The basic concept of the Swytch is beautiful. A battery + controller that you simply install on your bike. You simply remove the battery to recharge it - simple. It is perfect if you want to stop for lunch or just recharge at your desk at work as I do on my 30 mile commute.
The downside is the technology. It's new and heavy electronic components bouncing on tracks are always going to suffer. There were also assembly errors from the Chinese factory.
The upside - swear free cycling into work across the Epsom Downs where my main traffic issues are the awesome racehorses being exercised.
All the fun of being a club cyclist without the sweat.”