“After a few minor challenges over fitting( which were resolved speedily by support) the kit has performed flawlessly so far and I'm impressed with the power it has. The biggest negative has been the size and weight of the battery, but that seems to have been resolved with the new generation of light weight batteries. The biggest plus has been the fact that I didn't have to buy a new bike - I could use my trusty Trek!”
“It is a rare thing that I rave about any of my purchased products, but I simply love my Swytch. It has been my relentless work horse for some month now and I did not expect for it to be such a big change compared to a bike with no built in booster like my Swytch. I do not mind anymore wether it is 5,10 or 15 miles to go, my zoomer is bringing me there at top speed and no sweat. And to top things off, the customer support is quick, capable and a real pleasure to talk to on the phone or via video-chat for fast solutions. But the best thing among the many compliments I got so far from people asking: "THAT is an eBike??" is simply the fact it is working just fine with my cheap and shabby bike and I still beat everyone at the traffic lights. Unlike my many bikes before this has not been stolen in Hamburg yet and I do not have to carry it behind closed bars every night and still find it out on the street the next morning. Cheers to that and the Team of Swytch bike - there is a lot of crappy products and service out there and you are doing everything to make the difference - keep up the good work!”