“My boyfriend and I have recently taken up eating a clean Keto diet, for me it's to loose weight and for him it's to clear his 'head fog'.
On days when I'm in a rush (most days!) I'll turn to a Purition shake which is a great in terms of carb, being low carb, and just needs some minor tweaking with additional ingredients to increase the fat % which is easy to do in the blender. They taste great and keep me going throughout the day. I've tried every diet under the sun with 3.5 stone to loose, Keto with my Purition shakes has resulted in a 7lbs weight loss already and I have entirely lost cravings for sweet or high carb foods which has been my issue in the past.
My boyfriend would never touch any of additive loaded shakes which I've bought in the past but once he read the Purition ingredients list he was sold! He loves the shakes and his head fog is starting to evaporate. My only challenge is keeping us in stock as he keeps using my Purition shakes :)”
“I'm trying to lose weight. After removing my gallbladder, I was having trouble feeling satisfied in the mornings and having enough energy to get through the day. Purition shakes fill me up! I find that that keeps me in check for lunch and dinner. I got the chocolate flavor to satisfy my sweet cravings.”
Hello Jennifer, trust you are now back to yourself after your surgery. Chocolate is my favourite too! Hopefully you found that Purition has also helped you with your energy levels as well as keeping you full during the day. Thanks for your review, best wishes.