The Pontec PondoMatic 3 is a cost-effective entry level pond vacuum cleaner, perfectly suited to smaller ponds, swimming pools or water features. High quality, German engineered Sludge Vac, quality controlled by OASE Germany and features a powerful 1400 watt motor for extracting pond sludge and leaf debris. The compact pond vacuum cleaner has a 30 Litre collection tank and an automated on/off timer (vacuum cycle on for 20 seconds / emptying cycle on for 20 seconds). A manual on/off switch is also fitted to the motor head.Supplied with 3 useful cleaning tools (Algae Nozzle, Crevice Tool &Adjustable Nozzle). The adjustable Nozzle can be manually set to vacuum debris from 2mm to 10mm diameter. The PondoMatic 3 is supplied with 4 metres of suction hose and 2 metres of discharge hose. 2 Year Guarantee.
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