“Mistakenly not delivered first time but error was rectified speedily and replacement delivery prompt. Waxworms all healthy and MUCH enjoyed by baby robins who waited by back door for them in the mornings!”
“Very expensive so I just put a few out every day for a few days. I wasn't sure how to serve them - with or without wood chippings - as I've had them in the past and the birds didn't find them so they died and went bad. This time I have a new bird table where the birds are used to going and eventually they found them. They seemed to go down very well with the blackbirds, who I bought them for. A real treat, apparently.”
“As always, the birds love these! My problem is the dam things are white and arrive in a plastic tub filled with white shavings! They also move about so just when you think the tub is empty you spot another of the little wrigglers!”