What are Waxworms?
Waxworms are the caterpillar larvae of the wax moth, which is part of the Pyralidae family of moths. The adult moths are sometimes referred to as ‘bee moths’ with the name coming from the fact that wild populations are nest parasites and live in bee colonies where they eat gathered pollen and the shedded skin of bees. They will also chew through bees’ wax – which is also where the name ‘wax moth’ comes from.
How are Waxworms bred and farmed?
Waxworms are relatively easy to breed, with the process carried out in controlled conditions in a specialist facility to ensure consistent quality. They are fed honey and wheatgerm as part of the rearing process.
What birds eat Waxworms?
Waxworms are best fed from a live food feeder which are designed for both mealworms and waxworms. Waxworms can be fed at any time of the year, though it’s especially important to do so in the spring and early summer months so adult birds can feed them to their young in the nest and once the young birds have fledged.
How should I store Waxworms?
Our waxworms are delivered to you in a plastic tub which also contains sawdust, with the lid to the tub being breathable. You can use the same tub for storage, with the key being to keep it in a relatively cool place – a garage with a concrete floor is usually. Waxworms do not require feeding during storage.