“Your suet balls are irresistible to blue tits et al. BUT. We have a camera nest box and watched 8 eggs hatched. One by one the fledglings died until we saw the desperate male parent trying to save its last chick by pulling out suet morcels from its baby's throat. Overfeeding or choking. We should have cut the suet ball diet as soon as the eggs started to hatch. We will resume after the nesting season is over.”
“These are always popular with the birds visiting my garden. Given a choice between these and other varieties I find the super suet fat balls have disappeared well before the others.”
“Fat balls are being consumed at a fast rate of knots - parents trying to feed all the chicks that have fledged and lined up waiting for dinner.
As they are quite soft in the current temperatures, crumbs fall on the floor which helps the ground feeders.”