“Fantastically popular - long tail tits went crazy for it! Also attracted bluetits / sparrows and blackbirds - also starlings .... can't believe these thugs are in decline!”
“The birds now won't have any other kind. Shop-bought ones are a definite no-no. And it's great to see so many different birds hanging on to the fat ball feeder, from the Greater Spotted Woodpeckers to Tree Creepers and Robins! Even chaffinches can occasionally be seen trying to hang on although they definitely prefer their food on the ground - try breaking up a fat ball into tiny pieces.”
“The birds love them; some (corvids) a bit too much and they were getting through 6 in less than 24hrs! Nothing against corvids; a fascinating group of birds, but the smaller birds were not getting a look in. Had to buy a new feeder!”