“ I find them very expensive. I usually buy my meal worms from Frosts and they are £14.99 for 1.2 kilos.”
“ I’ve nowhere to store live foods, but these are great. I scatter on the flowerbeds and in high trays so the shier birds get a look in. Dunnocks in particular like them”
“ The birds love it. Makes me happy. Excellent service.”
“ Very satisfactory service as always”
“ The wheat was fine, but I don't know whether you realized it there were rat dropping in the grain, which as you know can be dangerous to birds.”
“ Spot on!!!!!!! Spot on!!!!!!!!!!”
“ Not popular with most birds”
“ My garden bird love these, so do I as there is no waste to clear up, I have a feeder next to my nesting blue tits which they seem to enjoy”