“Sunflower hearts are good value but this batch seem not to be of the finches and “tits” standard. They throwing a lot out, sorting through them. They are eating some and the Wood pigeons are clearing up some. I will be buying more.”
“Curiously it is goldfinches who go for these most. They spill a lot - but these are hoovered up by many other species from the ground, and there are few birds who dislike crumbs of sunflower, even wrens like them. Starlings appoint a bird to approach the feeder, (we can't quite keep them off), and that bird's job is to cling on as well as it can and throw down seeds to the others underneath!”
“Having tried various other bird food products from local retailers I can certainly say that the quality of this product is second to none. I can heartily recommend this product The garden birds mnost certainly like it”