Sunflower Heart Chips are suitable for seed feeders, bird tables and ground feeder. Please note that if used on its own this product can stick in feeders in very damp conditions
“Very popular in a hanging feeder with a wide range of birds especially Goldfinch and Tits, but also appealing to ground-feeding birds when they find any fallen seeds. I prefer the Chips to the whole sunflower seeds because small birds like Blue Tits and Robins can't easily handle a whole seed, which they have to take away and try to bite into pieces elsewhere.”
“This latest delivery is more like Sunflower Heart Crumbs than Chips. What has happened? I was afraid the birds wouldn't like them, but they are eating them, fortunately. However, I wonder how much is falling out of the feeder and being left in the grass.”
“We've been buying these sunflower heart chips for many years. They are perfect for our hanging feeders and ground-feeding birds. The goldfinches can't get enough of them and because they're small pieces, even the robin and dunnock can get a meal. Because they're chips they don't start to sprout if they get dropped and we find most gets eaten by the ground-feeding birds anyway, leaving us very little to have to clean up.”
“I wanted to attract finches to my garden and sunflower heart chip was recommended. I have been a very satisfied customer of Vine Farm for a few years, so I turned to them for my new ‘finch food’. I was not disappointed, nor were the plethora of Goldfinches and Greenfinches that now daily visit the garden. My only complaint? Where are the Bullfinches?”