“I have noticed a big increase in the number of birds visiting the garden since starting to use this feed, especially hedge sparrows, ring doves and blackbirds, plenty of suet pellets and mealworms included in the mix”
“This is expensive but full of things that our robin,thrush and blackbirds love. Not only that we have found our hedgehogs are great fans too! It's high quality food for the times of year the birds need our help the most.”
“The Robins are joined by a couple of Dunnocks and Black Birds. And strangely Great and Blue Tits on the ground when there is a hanging seed feeder nearby. None however appear to like the raisons except the unwelcome Magpies.”
“The pheasants love it, as do the jays, blackbirds, chaffinches and sparrows. Unfortunately also the squirrels. However, I am left with raisins on the lawn as they don’t want those!”