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“Really good feeder. The Robins and ground birds love it. I've bought loads of things from Vine House Farm. Bird bath, bird feeder pole, ground bird feeder and loads of bird food and premium fat balls. My little garden birds love everything”
“This was a gift for my daughter and family, who wanted to attract birds to their small garden for my grandson who is 8 and very interested. They had only ever had starlings and they were very messy. This year for the first time they have gone elsewhere and blackbirds have made an appearance. The feeder is an excellent size, good shape and weighty enough to stay in situ .. they are thrilled with the interest it has had already.”
“This was accepted by the birds in my garden within minutes underneath a cage to prevent larger birds from hogging the food. so pleased with it and will probably order another when my current old feeder finally gives up the ghost.”
“Birds have hesitated to accept it. I put some raisins and dried mealworms - among the seeds - on the tray to tempt them and this is working. The mesh tray is helpful during this rainy time and is easy to clean.
Your pictu”