“Superb product, excellent customer service and prompt delivery. The birds love this mix and, as it is so highly palatable, there is minimal waste because they tend not to 'rake' through it in search of the tastiest morsels. I strongly recommend it.”
“I was not sure about purchasing this seed because when I’ve used other bird food on my bird table and in the feeders I’ve always had a lot of seed left and a lot to clean up. Because of lock down and could not go to local shops decided to buy on line, I must admit I was surprised by the response by the birds , bird table and feeders get emptied and although some wastage not much in comparison. Will definitely buy again.”
“Unfortunately there seemed to be a lot of small seeds that nothing ate, not even the pheasants, other ground feeding bids nor the squirrels. They just piled up on the floor.”
Hello, Thank you for your review.
I am sorry to hear that there is waste with this seed mix, We do have a range of waste free mixes available that are popular with garden birds due to the higher content of Sunflower Hearts such as our Ultimate Energy Mixes with Suet pellets or Dried Mealworms or our Won't Grow Mix.
“Mostly popular with the birds but the spillage is not popular with the gardener. The mix seems to be over burdened with the tiny millet, rape and canary seed - at least it is only what remains on the bird table or ground, the latter to annoy the gardener!”