“This guard does the job. But I had to modify it by hacksawing the two metal bars across the top. This was because my 4 port seed feeder is a bit taller than the guard. The feeder now slides through the top and hangs from a hook.
The screw lock provided keeps the base firmly against the guard.”
“I returned your product as the spaces were too small for the birds to go in. Sparrows would not use it, and tits didn't use it either. I was sent a guardian for a Jacobi Jayne feeder when I requested one for a Droll Yankee feeder.”
“I bought 2 of these to stop the crows and jackdaws stripping my feeders. They work a treat, leaving the smaller birds to enjoy the seed from Vinehouse Farm.”
“Fits very will with the Droll Yankee feeder. Spacing is sufficiently close to keep out the Jackdaws, the Starlings can reach through to the feeder and smaller birds just go right in.”
“We bought the large cage although the large was to big and the small to small so we had to cut the large size down to what we wanted, would have been fine if we could have had a medium size because between 20 inches and the smaller size better in between, not bad though, after a week of receiving them one had be broken due to heavy bird and other had snapped so we chucked the lot in the dustbin and bought ourselves two Gardman feeders which were a lot better alround”