“This keeps the varied population of birds in our large garden going all year round. Robins, Tits, Chaffinch, Greenfinch, Tree creepers and Woodpecker all feast on the feeders; wood pigeons, thrush, Blackbird and Wren below eat up everything that falls down. I feed during the nesting season and often through the summer depending on weather. However, I am about to stop feeding now til the winter because I have a very greedy and incredibly obese juvenile woodpecker. I am seriously concerned for his health!! He latches on in the morning and stays around all day. He is now so fat he has to sit sideways to the feeder! In the interests of Woodpecker welfare, the feeders will now be emptied til winter. Sorry Vine House. Best wishes Felicity”
“These seeds were excellent. There was a good range of seeds and no wastage .
The birds absolutely loved them and it also attracted a good range of birds to my garden”