Your feeding station will stay secure during use, or bad weather, with this high quality steel feeding station stabilisers. The four prongs sink into the ground for stability.
“Purchased at the same time as the feeder station, the stabilizer should mesh easily with the feeder station, but it doesn't. It is not clear which should be pressed into the ground first as both have to be and it could be either way. The collars on both the feeder station and stabilzer do not fit together neatly and prevents one or the other from being in the ground fully, depending on which is put in first.
Apart from that, the two do their job of holding the feeders and the birds don't seem to mind either !”
“This was actually a bit awkward to fit. The thumb screws had been inserted before painting, so they were difficult to remove without pliers. The design is also such that the spikes cannot be inserted flush with the lawn surface, so stability may be an issue if the ground is soft. Time will tell. The design isn’t as good as that sold by RSPB.”