“Is perfect to keep squirrels and large birds away although fun watching them try to feed. Allows small birds to feed securely and without being bullied. Ideal.”
“Having many problems with garden Squirrels feeding from my bird table I purchased a proof feeder. The Squirrels are unable to enter & this has solved the problem. The garden birds have taken some time to use it for seeds but I am hoping for success in the future.”
“I purchased the very same feeder many years ago and have been delighted with the results,
no more squirrel or starling problems.
Best one we have found well worth the money.
Thank you”
“Well worth the money and at least the American Grey squirrels or pigeons can not get to the food.
I personally have been interested in wildbird sand wildlife since i was a small boy.
All three of my feeders I am very pleased with.
Thanks a lot,
Keith Bernard Oram”