“The earl grey tea bags I got with this order was perfumed, undrinkable, and not what I'm use to, when I drink your earl grey tea. I ordered the teabag to my workplace - a public service radiostation - and I will not serve that to our VIP guests in the studio. They have been returned to you. Blllladdddrrrr. Dishwater liquid.
I have today tried to bye the Twining Earl grey in the yellow box at my local supermarked, to see if that could solve my teabag problem, but also here the taste has changed.
Have you got a new owner? I can't understand that a quality Label, as Twining once where, are starting to sell absolutely disgusting tea. You have a proud past - an excellent product - so why are you doing this to yourself? The danes will not swift to the new taste - i'm pretty sure. This is not for palates used to quality.
Bye, bye. A faithfull customer, who has had twining on the breakfast table for 40 yers - FORTY YEARS - are saying farewell!!!!!!”