“I used to love this box, but now it is likely to include Padron peppers rather than the sweet bit or arreton gold, I will NOT be ordering it again until I can be sure it WONT contain Padrons. If you like Padrons, it is a great selection box. All the other products are great, the aubergines, long peppers and tomatoes are a great selection”
Hi Nicola,
Sorry to hear you do not like Padron peppers. Are you familiar with how to cook them? They are a delicacy in Spain and very popular- but understand if you do not like them. The Ultimate Produce Box will contain 200g Arreton Gold Peppers or 200g Padron Peppers depending on what has been picked that week. Please do get in touch with us at hello@iowtomatoes.co.uk and we can help with your next order request of no Padrons.