“Bought one last year for my grandson these are great and very easy to use,bought one this year for my grand daughter because the name is still clearly visible on my grandsons uniform.”
“I bought the personalised stamp to label my brother-in-law's clothes as he has gone into a care home. It was very easy to use. Haven't washed any of the clothes with the stamped name on yet as I've only just bought it. The product arrived within a couple of days and was recommended to us by a friend who uses the stamp to label their children's clothes. Would certainly use again.”
“This is an amazing product, I used to use the iron on labels but my daughter used to peel them off in class and then things would get lost. I’ve only stamped about 10 items so far but they have all been washed and it’s stayed on without any ink loss. I’ve bought 2 for both of my girls.”
“These are really great, I bought for my daughter and already got for my 3 month old. they’re really easy to use and last through washes. Much better than stickers I’ve used that come off straight away.”