“I was so close to purchasing Slate VSX until I saw Sonarworks release Virtual Monitoring add-on. Extremely satisfied with my purchase. I never mixed on headphones until the day I purchased the add-on. The stereo imaging translates better, and tracking with headphones is way more enjoyable.”
“Its a decent add on, but the sound shift still feels weird to me. Its better than most of the others that I have tried that have this feature, but I find myself going back to jstu the fixed curve more than not.”
I hope you are doing great!
Thank you for the review as it helps us improve our product. It would be great if you could also share it via our support center for a better understanding. This will allow us to see what exactly can be done in order to upgrade our product.
I hope this helps!
“I really like the new virtual add on. I was using other virtual mix rooms previously but this by far has helped my mixes the most. Also, being able to use the virtual room to monitor my system audio has made it easier to compare mixes in my session to references from streaming platforms.”
“Noticeable but subtle. Spreads out the way you listen as it would be in speakers. It lets you know if something is missing in translation. Nice to have access.”