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Clarol Silver Serum 50ml Reviews

4.5 Rating 651 Reviews
Hi I used this product after a colleague saw the article in the daily mail. I was a little skeptical at first but hey ho anythings worth a go. I had dry flaky skin and reds spots all over my forehead and my nose was really red peeling skin yellow headed spots. It all got to much when a colleague asked for a pen to join the dots... so i gave it a go and 2 weeks in my face was really starting to clear up now my nose is the right skin tone my forehead has cleared i get the occasional red spot if i forget to apply it for a couple of days i get a spot or 2 but so far very very happy. I can go out without a paper bag over my head :0) in all seriousness though its has worked for me , i've never been to the quacks as I hate doctors so i don't really know what i have , however, it does seem to fit in with Rosacea. To rub my fingers over my forehead the skin now feels smooth just the very occasional patch of flaky skin. I really did think this was a load of marketing rubbish and I am happy to say I was wrong. Give it a go.......
Helpful Report
Posted 10 years ago
Excellent product. You will get results in less than 5 days however you need to keep using it until your skin is completley healthy.
Helpful Report
Posted 10 years ago
I've been using this for around a month. I have to say my skin is looking a lot better. I have come out in a few spots but that always happens when changing over moisturisers. Only thing I would say is the size of the bottle needs Increasing and postage costs are quite high!!
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Posted 10 years ago
I've suffered with acne since school! It's knocked my confidence throughout my life. Acne is something no one should have to deal with, let alone into their adult lives. It's just unfair. I've literally tried everything, I've been on 5 bouts of toR*tane. All successful up until 6 months after my last tablet. I've had pretty much every treatment there is. I read about silver serum a few months ago and at first I thought it was a sham. But I caved and bought some! At first my skin got worse, but two weeks in I could see an improvement. Now, a month and half later my skin is near enough clear. When and if and I do get a blemish i pop on some silver serum at night and in the morning it's less red and easily covered. I can't explain how good this stuff is. Just give it a go :)
Helpful Report
Posted 10 years ago
I started suffering with acne around my 25th birthday, which was a shock to me as I've always had clear skin. I tried changing my skin care routine, make up and even a prescribed gel treatment from the doctors which only make my skin redder and drier. I stumbled across an article about this product and thought I would give it a go. I'm so glad I did. I have been using this for over a week now and have already started to see an improvement in my skin. It feels softer, the breakouts aren't as bad and it's not as red as it was. Fab product! Thought it was really nice to receive an email from skin shop with some extra information about the product. Great customer service! I will continue to use the product :)
Helpful Report
Posted 10 years ago
I recently purchased the Silver Serum and started using for papulo-pustular rosacea. I have been suffering with rosacea for the last 2 years and have literally tried every product going and unfortunately nothing has worked (I am currently waiting to see a Dermatologist at the end of December). My mum showed me an article about Silver Serum and I thought "why not give it a go", so I did. I have now been using the Silver Serum twice a day for 10 days, and the different to my skin in that time is very promising. I did have a very slight outbreak of spots after about 3-4 days, but I feel that this was the serum trying to clear out my skin. Any spots that have occurred have been much smaller than normal and my skin is healing so much quicker than it normally would and is starting to feel like "normal" skin again. If the progress that I have made in the last 10 days is anything to go by and keeps improving as it has, I will be one very happy lady. My husband and my parents have all commented that my skin is looking much better. I am still going to keep my appointment with the Dermatologist and I shall be taking the Silver Serum with me to show him. So, if like me you have very sensitive rosacea skin, give the Silver Serum a try, it may help when nothing else has. (Skin Shop please don't stop producing the Silver Serum as the summary of my review say's, I may just have found a miracle in a tube!).
Helpful Report
Posted 10 years ago
I was always lucky to have clear skin, but towards the of my 20's i started to develop hormonal acne esp around my chin and jaw line with large cyst like spots, which were so painful,they would never came down, would be red and raised for a week before they would come through and another two weeks before they would calm down, leaving scars and while all going on, more were developing. I was so self conscious. I am now 31 and the only thing that has worked successfully for me is Silver Serum. I have now gone through three tubes, thanks to my bf who spotted the review on silver serum and ordered some for me, I was a bit wary about starting because I was afraid of something else making my face worse, I said I would give it a go. Honestly, i didn't really notice any difference for the first week, I even thought it might have been making my skin worse, but I said I would give it a go for two weeks by the middle of the second week I was beginning to realise no new spots had appeared and just the old ones were still there, albeit red and sore. So I kept applying (once in morning and at night after cleansing my face) I also started using La Rocce Effaclar Purifying Cleansing Gel around the same time. Now I am never without. Between the La Rocce & Silver Serum my skin is so different. Now i still get some spots along my jaw line but the silver serum really helps, only a handful of times have they become big cysts, but its only every once in a while compared to every second day I honestly don't care. I only apply the silver serum to my chin and jaw line. If I get a spot anywhere else I will apply the serum to it directly, sometimes it stops the spot getting any bigger. But I just stick to where I get or had gotten the worst breakouts which was also my chin and jawline, as I don't want to waste this MIRACLE serum. I have now been able to go without make up some days which I haven't been able to do in the longest time as I was so self conscious about my skin. All I can say is think you so much. If anyone is in doubt whether to give it a go, please try I never leave comments about products ever, so this is a first for me and proves how much I rate it.
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Posted 10 years ago
I'm 27 years old and have suffered with acne for 12 years, I saw an article on the Daily mail and thought I'd try this. I've tried various antibiotics (topical and prescription), acupuncture, diet changes, every wiz product on the market, but this is the product I've seen the biggest improvement from after just one application! I have mild/moderate acne and also get large painful cysts along the jaw line which take weeks and sometimes months to heal. The Silver Serum arrived yesterday morning and last night I used it for the first time (I like the consistency a cross of a gel/cream and a little goes a long way) I had a large and very painful cyst on my jaw that I didn't hold much hope of being gone this side of Christmas, along with the usual spots all over my face, back and chest. This morning the cyst has gone down dramatically, my over all skin tone is less red and irritated and the small spots are reduced in size, I literally cannot believe the transformation!! It's honestly one of the most dramatic changes I've seen for a first application of any product, long may it last!! I'll write a review again after a couple of weeks, so far VERY impressed, and for £12.95 definitely worth a go as any long term suffer will know the ££ spent over the years I make this reasonably priced compared to many and the reward points add up to money off next time. I hope it works as well for anyone thinking of trying this.
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Posted 10 years ago