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Clarol Silver Serum 50ml Reviews

4.5 Rating 651 Reviews
Bought this only a few weeks ago and my skin is clearer already. It's not too heavy on the skin and clears all sorts of things up. Definitely recommend and wish I'd found sooner.
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Posted 9 years ago
I'm battling with acne since i was a teenager, but past few years made it worse... As most of us i tried all kind of treatments- with no results... SInce April this year I have huge disaster on my back ( never had it before, always just a pimple or two...) and my face too. Bought the serum- after 2,5 weeks it seems to calm skin on my face, less pimples, less infected and it seems to clear up. My back is still a disaster though... Probably needs more time-so im buying another package now. PS. I can see the correlation between food i eat and the acne- definitely when I have something with sugar, diary, gluten- I can be sure that it will affect my skin... Anyways- it seems like a really good product. Lets see what will happen in another few weeks :)
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Posted 9 years ago
I read about silver serum in a magazine, ordered it in mid May 2015, and have been using it twice a day ever since.  I am thrilled with the results.  I could tell after just a week that the product was working for me.    My sensitive, red skin used to be inflamed, and my pores were very enlarged on either side of my nose.  They were actually getting bigger by the week.  I didnt used to get many spots, but that was because I avoided all oil based products.  Oh, and I am virtually allergic to sunshine, so I have to always keep my face out of the sun, and use factor 30.   The first thing to change after using Silver Serum was the colour - the redness disappeared after just a few days, and it has not come back. The inflammation also disappeared after a week or so, and my pores seems to be shrinking continually. They are almost invisible now.  I feel that at long last I have normal skin.     After two months, I have  realised that I don't actually need foundation now, I can just wear primer (smashbox). I have even dared to use fake tan this week, which used to bringing me out in spots.  I am still wary of the sun, but I sense that my skin is not as sensitive to UV now, and I took a few little risks last week, with no adverse effects. I have tried lots of things over the years, including IPL, antibiotics, met**gel, and literally hundreds of over-the-counter creams, soaps, exfoliants and gels etc.  None of those worked any where near as well as silver serum does.   If I had known about this product 30 years ago, it would have literally saved me thousands of pounds, plus all the frustrations of barking up the wrong tree! Just a warning - after using it for roughly 15 days, suddenly about three big spots appeared, in places where I have never had spots (e.g. my upper lip) but they went away, and I have had smooth, clear skin since then.  It was like a mini healing crisis.   I have now bought some for my mum who also has rosacea. I am so glad I read that magazine!
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Posted 9 years ago
My Fiance bought this for me as he had seen the article in the Daily Mail about this miracle serum and knew I felt down that over the last year or so my skin has gradually become spotty and red predominantly on my cheeks but could see it was spreading to other areas. While this Serum is nice to use, it is non - greasy, absorbs into the skin quickly and nicely and the tube while pricey has lasted a while. However overall I was disappointed with the results I had little improvement with my skin condition so probably wont buy another tube.
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Posted 9 years ago
I'll keep this short - after a month of using silver serum, my skin was the worst I have ever seen it. I have Papulopustular Rosacea, however most of the 'bumps' were concentrated around the bridge of my nose and some of my cheeks. After using silver serum, these have now spread across my whole face and on to my usually clear forehead. The redness was also much worse, and my skin was sensitive to touch in a way it had never been before. I have stopped using silver serum for 10 days, and my skin is beginning to go back to normal. I was so excited to try silver serum, but I will never ever use it again!
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Posted 9 years ago
I tried Silver Serum after hearing it was brilliant for acne but it became apparent that my skin would break out in yellow heads when using it. Although it cleared my forehead slightly it didn't help at all with my cheeks, jaw, and chin. In my opinion, Silver Serum made my skin feel worse than before I used it overall. However, I would recommend that you give it a try because everybody is different so it could work for you.
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Posted 9 years ago
I feel as though I have always had problem skin. I suffered from teenage spots when I was young. This then developed into adult acne when I was in my early 20's. I was treated for this by the doctors and the serious medication I was on worked well and my skin seemed to clear up. I am now in my mid 30's and 2 years ago I came off my contraceptive pill and my skin seemed to go into melt down. I began getting horrible big red raisedvangry spots along my jaw line and on the lower part of my cheeks which would take forever to actually come to a head and would then take just as long to go. I have ended up with lots of red scars which take a long time to fade. I, like many other people, saw this product reviewed and thought it was at least worth a try. I have been pleased with the results. I have been using the serum for about 3 months and I get much fewer spots, and the spots I do get seem to appear around the time of my period which I have always had and are obviously hormone related. The spots on my jaw line have completely cleared up and the few spots that I do get don't last long and clear up quickly. My skin is now getting to the stage where I am not having to plaster on so much make-up and my scars are starting to fade. I have noticed lots of people saying how expensive the product is but I have to say I disagree. I am on my second tube in 3 months and I use it 2 times a day everyday. If I compare what I have spent in the past on spot/acne treatment this is actually good value!
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Posted 9 years ago
Unfortunately I didn't notice much of a difference after 2 months of using this. It did bring my spots to a head quicker but that's all. My skin hasn't improved and the amount of spots hasnt reduced. Overall this product didn't really work for me.
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Posted 9 years ago