“I've been using Clarol's Silver Serum along with their Sebopure product for a number of weeks now and couldn't be happier with the difference these have made to my acne prone skin. I developed cystic acne last year as a result of a hormonal imbalance and have struggled to reduce the resulting skin inflammation. These products have helped control/reduce my acne breakouts as well as reduce hyperpigmentation marks left over following previous breakouts. I would encourage anyone who has acne prone skin to give these products a try because they've certainly worked for me!!”
“Saw these products in a newspaper article. Due to pandemic and nature of my work I have to wear a face mask for long periods of time in warm conditions and this has led to regular painful breakouts and scarring. I tried everything even really expensive formulas but nothing was working. I have now been using the serum in conjunction with sebopure for just over three weeks and I can see a difference already. Where I could see areas under the skin that looked like they were getting to break out they have diminished and the breakouts that I already had disappeared quite quickly. Will definitely be investing in some of the other products which are all competitively priced.”
“So my personal experience is really bad, so bad my neck is burnt from the serum.
(I get a lot of cysts on my neck area)
But from one of my best friends points of view this stuff is amazing and has cleared her skin massively.
So I feel guilty giving a bad rating, but this really doesn’t agree with me!”
“I absolutely LOVE this product. I've been using Silver Serum for a good six years now, and I don't see me switching to anything new anytime soon. I was due to go on medication from the hospital due to severe acne on my face. I had been on antibiotics for years, and nothing worked. Found this and I haven't looked back. It took about a month to have a completely clear face, but you could see results within a week. I've recommended this product to so many of my friends and family.”
“I have been using the sebopure and serum combo for a little while. I suffered from very bad encysted acne on my face. Traditional treatments were not very effective all all and seemed to make my skin worse, drying it out, causingredness and flaking. I like the gentle approach from clarols products. It’s hard to believe that something that doesn’t sting could be working, but it is! I was using the silver serum on its own, and it was certainly more effective than anything I had used before but I had a couple of truly stubborn patches (I mean they had literally not changed in 2 years) that would not shift, and some that just kept coming back. So I tried it together with the sebopure, and that really is the answer! The patches that kept recurring are recurring less and less and it seems that a couple of the “permanent” residents might be finally going down. I have given this 4 stars on the basis that it has to be used with the sebopure for a visible result. This still makes it the best acne treatment I have ever used!”
“This has really helped my skin. I have tried so many creams and potions. But while it didn't improve it for a few days it has gradaully improved my whole complexion and my adult acne.”
“Bought it as part of the Clarol complete care pack and (together with an LED light mask) my skin is so so much better. Before I was taking antibiotics and using a topical, so much happier with a more natural approach - and my skin is too! Far fewer breakouts and much less painful.”