“The IMX477 is an excellent camera, complete; the zoom using python is very good. However, with the raspberry pi 4 and the new bullseye OS, the camera setup is simple. However, I use the Seeed Studio reTerminal, built with a CM4. On this device, it was a bit more complicated, as the autodetect doesn't work, so you have to modify the config.txt a bit. This is what the config.txt needs to look like for reTerminal to detect the camera, in case anyone has this development system. I haven't tested it with a Raspberry Pi Compute Module.
“This Camera produces a fair quality image for still frames. The framerate however is not great for video. Image below was take with the Camera attached to a Swift SW380T Microscope.”
“We have made a nice project with this camera and a microscope, as you can see, we are looking close to a 1 € coin. You can see where I live. :)
Soon we will send you a full report, and some .stl for the people if they want to use it. Next week it will be showed in a science fair.
I would say, it is easy to use, we did nothing, just connect and it runs perfectly.”