“Does the job nicely, on both a Pi4, and another on a Pi 3B+. In each case the hat is powering the Pi and an SSD on its USB port without issues (from an EdgeSwitch). They have decluttered my bench a lot! And I can remotely power cycle them if needed. Perfect!”
“I wanted to try this on my Pi 3B+ which is currently receiving ADS-B data in my loft. The PoE hat is brilliant! Just works straight out of the box, with no configuration. Install the risers and card and it's ready to go. I'm using a TP-Link 48v 0.5A injector and 50m of Cat 6, allows me to now run the Pi with only a single cable running into my loft. Eventually the Pi will end up in a waterproof housing on an antenna pole. The fan, when on is quite noisy (strong hum), but that's not a concern for me, but if you are planning to use indoors, then this may be an issue to consider.”
“I won't say much about this because I discovered after I bought it that my router doesn't support PoE (which is annoying because I now have to plug in my raspberry pi separately and don't get the benefit of the fan). However, the board physically fits very easily to my Raspberry Pi 3b, and makes a very solid little unit. One drawback is that the resulting computer no longer fits inside the official raspberry pi 3b case.”