“Very efficient fan which combined with the heatsink does the job really well.
Noisy-ish considering the size. Once the Fan Control Pin is enabled on the Pi, it barely turns on, so not really a problem.”
“A little noisy, but once fan control is enable it only kicks in at temps above 80c, which keeps the Pi from throttling. Fits very neatly into the Pi case.”
“Works well, (if a bit loud).
You may want to enable the fan overlay (https://github.com/raspberrypi/linux/blob/rpi-5.15.y/arch/arm/boot/dts/overlays/gpio-fan-overlay.dts) by adding something like the below to your config.txt (note the pin on the fan's instructions is different to the default in the overlay):
It also made closing and opening the case incredibly difficult - in case that's a concern for you.”
“This is a 3 wire fan in that the speed it runs at can be varied. It comes with a plastic shield to mount it inside the official PI case. (And it comes with a heat sink that fits the CPU)”