“Absolutely love this. A step across from my RPi 4B. Transaction was super easy and was plugged in and away within minutes. Might be spending many hours with this over the coming year so thank you for an easy start!!”
“Absolutely love the Raspberry Pi 400 Personal Computer Kit UK. Has that retro 1982 feel of unboxing home computers from that era. For those who love learning to code or using Raspberry Pi to exercise their creativity, the Raspberry Pi 400 is a game changer. The device is ready within less than 30 minutes for anybody who is familiar with or keyboard confident to begin using to simply access the World Wide Web and go beyond. Cloud computing makes it possible to use the Raspberry Pi 400 as the only computing device anyone needs. Just absolutely brilliant return to the home computing market as well as servicing the curiosities of those IoT creative enthusiasts alike.”