“// I had one with one bee (that was fine). The three-bees model was really good, but now this one has three-bees-plus (maybe that's two bees plus one extra big bee?) Irregardless, the bees do a marvellous job, it seems.
// I reccommend the [PIBOW](https://shop.pimoroni.com/products/pibow-for-raspberry-pi-3-b-plus?variant=2601121284106) enclosure becuase it looks _really_ nice and suits the bees very well.
+++ Raspberry Pi 3 B+ is a technological marvel. I love it. +++
“Whats not to like about the Raspberry Pi 3 B+!
I have yet to get a DOA one, and I have ... 7 now? Seems pretty good for a low cost computer. Its also powerful enough to do a LOT, and loads darn quick with Raspbian.”
“I'm running an instance of PiHole and Minecraft Server on it, in combination with a HyperPixel 4.0 display. Can't say anything negative about this board. This is a beast! :)”
“I'm sure I should stop buying quite so many of these, but this time I had a valid excuse - this is now at the heart of an IoT network that I'm building in my house, acting as a WiFi Access Point *and* the Message Queue server.”