“I've been looking for a small, compact keyboard to use with a Pi for ages, but I was unable to find one that I liked - nothing was both small and full-featured.
This keyboard is exactly what I was looking for, and it has a UK layout as an added bonus.”
“For the money this is a very good keyboard. OK you're not going to get the feel of a high end keyboard but it only costs £16. Comparing it to other keyboards in this price bracket, it feels exceptionally good. I also really like that the USB cable isn't built in so you can replace the supplied cable with a longer or shorter one if you want. Or if the cable breaks, you just replace it. The 3 port USB hub is also really welcome. It's perfect for the Raspberry Pi mouse and means you only use 1 port on a Raspberry Pi when you plug into it. Not so much of an issue on the 3B's, but a definite plus point on the 3A or the Zero.
All in all, this keyboards is a winner and I'm definitely to buy a second one - mainly so I can take it apart and stuff a Raspberry Pi of some flavour into it :-D”