“Works perfectly with my Amiga and a 9-pin, PS2-compatible USB adaptor :D Looks great, and behaves brilliantly. At £7.50 a crazy bargain price too!
It's also appropriate that my Amiga has a Raspberry Pi mouse -- my Amiga is half Pi! --- Some clever folk have designed a way to use the Raspberry Pi as an Amiga processor upgrade! The PiStorm with Emu68k :D
The future of Amiga is co-opting the Rasperry Pi :D
AmigaOS, Native on Raspberry Pi - fingers crossed :D”
“It's an acceptable mouse with a pleasantly short cable, but unfortunately the ergonomics leave a lot to be desired on adult hands.
Definitely a fantastic choice for a kid, and it matches delightfully with the Pi 400, but overall I'd recommend finding a more comfortable one for any adult”