“Bought my Raspberry Pi 3 last week. I've played around with some things, made a CCTV camera, turned it into a media server and media centre for the TV! My next project, I have no idea but with the power and specs it has, anything is possible! (Almost.)
I can highly recommend the Raspberry Pi 3 for Tech, Spec and Amazing Value! Buy yourself one and see what you can do.”
Day two of me using the pi3, it seems to work very well, a few problem with the version of Noob 1.8 i.e when try to install something like alsa- utils and chromium it would not install as there were no repositories after i enable some of the rasbian repositories in the conf file it worked ok.
The radio chip ( wifi and Bluetooth) seems to work properly, even if i have not yet managed to stream the audio to my bluetooth speaker.
The speed is amazing compared with the earlier version of the pi.
Overall a great little board looking forward to more 64 bits software to use the full potential.”
“Haven't received it yet but it's not a doubt in my mind this version Pi will rock. With all of the improvements how can it not? Can't wait to get it in my hands.”