“Got this card today, fitted it to my Pi 2 at first, later to my Pi 3... why? Because my Pi 2 with TVheadend downloaded and instructions followed produced a tv program I'd selected (so far so good).. but the tv program was fine for maybe 5 seconds, then the TV froze for about 5 seconds.. then the TV program resumed for a few seconds, then it froze again.. strangely, the program continued without missing any content..
I tried the card in my Pi 3 as I thought 'faster Pi (more likely to work better..)' but the same issue of watching and freezing no matter what channel or which TV antenna it was connected to (I tried the house antenna and also connected an antenna signal amplifier).. same results.
Both Pis set up according to the setup instructions...
What gives?”
Hi John!
Please get in touch with our support team at support@pimoroni.com so we can figure out what's going on - this isn't an issue we've heard of from any other customers! :-)