“Literally the second I plugged it in I was satisfied with it.
It's bright and vibrant 8x8 LED Matrix really shows what minimalistic power the Raspberry pi has!
The sensors on it are the most sensitive and accurate I've seen. For instance I did a humidity scan and to my surprise it could sense my breath's humidity. I also ran a gyroscope project and was really accurate.
P.S One thing for new buyers get the ADA2223 Gpio Stacker because, even though it may look it, you can't use the gpio pins!”
“This add on board is the best the foundation has come up with so far. With lots of built in sensors, blinkyness and lots of tutorials and code to get you started.”
“A lot of sensors and a 8x8 LED Matrix, easily programmable. There is also a lot of material to learn about how to use it .
The limit for its use are our ideas, I have not even mastered 10 % of this HAT.
Must-have HAT”
“Sense hat seems to be the hat that everyone wants because of the lot of features it purpose.
I was quite difficult to set up the hat.
Don't follow this tutorial https://www.raspberrypi.org/learning/astro-pi-guide/software.md.
sudo apt-get upgrade makes reboot problems
Steps i did:
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install sense-hat
then i reboot the pi, and use python2 for small programms.
I'll have lots of things to discover and learn with this fabulous hat