“Do just what they say on the tin. Watch the height on your designs - For example in a stacked Arduino shield based design, you need very long pins on the shield to shield connectors to get these babies onto vertical headers without clashing with the shield above. This is true of all 0.1 connectors like these (a.k.a Dupont connectors). consider right-angled ones instead.
Crimping the pins can be a bit of a black art. You need the right kind of SN28-B crimp tool (although I have crimped successfully with just pliers - it takes a lot of care and practice). Beware, there are many SN28-B crimp tools but very few that are correct for this job - the key feature is that the tool has a die for Dupont 0.254 mm insulated crimp pins. A proper tool intended for these pins can easily be distinguished by shape from other crimp dies - see attached photos. On the pin side of the die it has It has a more usual heart shaped shape opening.”