“At fiirst I had a problem with the ribbon cable. But after reinstallation of the cable (both ends) it was OK. I have installed the OS on the M.2 meemorry, and is booting from it.
The only reason I'm playing with these things is to see how computer technology has evolved.
The first computer I worked with was an IBM 360/30 in 1965. It had 64KB of memory and a speed of 1 MHz. I think the rental cost was around $10.000/month. Data was mainly on punched cards and tapes. I even know about one installation where the Operating System was on tape (TOS Tape Operating System)).”
“I bought the NVMe base for the Pi 5 with a 512 GB M.2 SSD. It was easy to install and I had it up and running in no time at all. It's certainly helps to realise the full speed possible with the Pi.”
“I found the NVMe base along with the 500 GB SSD to be a perfect way to increase the storage on my Raspberry pi 5.
It was very easy to attach to the pi and worked perfectly. The only slight issue I found was the length of the supplied ribbon cable was a little short but this was easily rectified by the purchase of the longer one that is available that is available which solved the problem of being able to the SD slot if needed. The delivery time in both cases was very good and prises are spot on. I would recommend this product strongly as it allows full access to all the pi's gpio pins as it fits perfectly under pi.”
“Installation was pretty straightforward. Installed the SSD, formatted and installed the OS and it boots right up. I've ordered another for my other Rpi 5. Well done!”
“Not much to say. I read the instructions carefully, prepared myself for the fiddly bits mounting the link cable, and it all assembled on the new Pi 5 with no trouble at all. I followed the software instructions, copied over the microSD, and enabled PCIE3- again with no trouble at all. I overclocked at my own risk to 2.9GHz, and long stress sessions taxed the active cooler. Huge speed increases on Raspi Diagnostics. I am thrilled at the greater than expected increase in performance”
“i have 2 and are very pleased. Y.
1. the smaller surface area helps keep the pi cooler.
2. easy to mount.
3. both went on first fire up.
love them K.P.”